
This looks at the young children develop the foundation – Balance

Please watch the video and then take the test by clicking the Proceed to Test button below. Once you have achieved a minimum of 75% you can then proceed to the next module.

Good luck!
[themify_col grid=”4-1 first”][/themify_col][themify_col grid=”4-1 tmodule”]Question Type: [/themify_col][themify_col grid=”4-1 tmodule”]Mixed[/themify_col][themify_col grid=”4-1″][/themify_col]
[themify_col grid=”4-1 first”][/themify_col][themify_col grid=”4-1 tmodule”]Questions: [/themify_col][themify_col grid=”4-1 tmodule”]4[/themify_col][themify_col grid=”4-1″][/themify_col]
[themify_col grid=”4-1 first”][/themify_col][themify_col grid=”4-1 tmodule”]Pass Rate: [/themify_col][themify_col grid=”4-1 tmodule”]75%[/themify_col][themify_col grid=”4-1″][/themify_col]


[themify_button style=”large blue” link=”” ]Proceed To Test[/themify_button]