**All resources are available from our Shop at Minmoov.**

Winner of 2017 Early Excellence Award
Mini Moves Cards
The Mini Moves Cards are a collection of movement skills children need to develop and animals to encourage them to move in different ways.
These cards will encourage children to move while supporting the development of their literacy and mathematics skills.
Mini Yo! Cards
Mini Yo! is an exciting and fun way to help children of all ages, in your care, develop physically, emotionally and creatively.
There are 20 different moves and ideas in the pack. The cards can be used for relaxing as well as being active. Try the story ideas for more high impact activity, which will engage children; young and old.
Fantastic Elastic
Fantastic Elastic is a large circular elastic accompanied by activity ideas.
The elastic helps children to focus and engage better in physical activities. It can also help to make simple moves more fun!
Lion and the Chair Resource Book
The book includes 34 pages of activities and ideas, including:
The Lion and the Chair Picture Story⠀
Mini Mo! – Yoga-based Moves and Stories⠀
Mini Moves – Movement and Play⠀
Mini Mins – Learn about Emotions⠀
Mini Maths – Numbers and Mathematics⠀
Little Linguists – Learning Language⠀
Mini Motor – Drawing and Colouring
Move Resource Pack
All our resources in one place at a reduced cost! The pack includes:
Mini Yo! Yoga Cards
Mini Moves Physical Skill Cards
Fantastic Elastic Resource
Lion and the Chair Activity Book

Gear Up
B Inspired got creative in lockdown 1 and have created children’s active gear which have become a reality in lockdown 2.
The Towel and all bags are made and printed in the UK on natural cotton canvas and are an eco-friendly alternative to plastic bags.
Check out the full range here
* All prices are inclusive of VAT, Postage and Packaging

Written in an accessible and practical style, this book explains the importance of physical activity for promoting young children’s cognitive learning, wellbeing and physical development and sets out tips and examples for incorporating physical activity into a curriculum. It is ideal for teachers and practitioners working with children aged 3 – 7 years.
£15.99 (incl. VAT)
You can purchase the book from Jessica Kingsley Publishing or Amazon