Working with Parents
This module will look at how you can engage and work with parents and carers which will give children the best start in life.
Please watch the video and then take the test by clicking the Proceed to Test button below. Once you have achieved a minimum of 75% you can then proceed to the next module.
Working with Parents
Early years practitioners should share their knowledge and ideas with parents and ask them to do so in return, hence working as partners.
Always share positive messages with parents.
If you have a good Physical Development or Physical Education policy which you share with parents and carers, it will be clear as to what you feel is acceptable and not acceptable practice with children in your care.
Positive Messages
Minimum of 180 minutes a day (at your setting and home)
Physical activity aids learning
Adults are role models
Encourage being active
Parents and practitioners working together
Provide a variety of activities
Children develop good habits in early years
Active children are more likely to become active adults
Find activities to do together
Being outside is good for children
Reduce sedentary time
Good luck!