Holistic Planning

Holistic Planning

Holistic Planning

Weekly Plan

Repetition is necessary for young children to master and develop skills and abilities. It is therefore important for children to have the opportunity to practice skills and repeat activities.
Offer opportunities for children to try the activities they did in their PE lesson that week throughout the week, either as daily spontaneous adult-led or child-led activities.

Holistic Planning

PE Plan

Physical Education/Activity focussed sessions in the school hall or outdoors.

Holistic Planning

Regular Sessions

Plan short focussed sessions throughout the day and week based on activities from your PE lesson.  This will reinforce aspects of the main PE lesson and give children the opportunity to repeat the activities on numerous occasions.

Holistic Planning


Place skill cards in the outdoor area after children have tried them during the ‘PE’ Lesson.  This will allow them to try the skills of the week on their own.

Holistic Planning

Cross-curricular Learning

Identify an Area of Learning / Subject to include in your PE planning each week.

A “Physical Activity” section can be added to the planning of all areas of learning/subjects.  This will enhance children’s learning through activities.  Children can then learn subjects such as mathematics and literacy through traditional means, as well as through movement and play.

Holistic Planning

Outdoor Timetable

Activities that children do throughout the week, indoor and outdoor, can all interlink.  A timetable for outdoor play and lunchtime supervisors can ensure children have access to many more opportunities and, once again, underpin what they learnt in their PE lessons.

Holistic Planning

Resources and Equipment in the Outdoors

Create a weekly timetable of outdoor resources.  Rotating resources will encourage children to try new activities, which will support the development of a wider variety of skills and abilities.
Timetable in resource-free days, which will encourage children:

  • To use their imagination more
  • To be more creative
  • To explore the environment
  • To try things they might not when being prompted by an object
Holistic Planning

Home Link

Send skills, topics and any other ideas of the week home for children to try with their parents.  The more opportunities children receive the more and faster they will develop.


  • Plan around Curriculum Outcomes and Skills
  • Use PATTER for Differentiation and Progressions
  • Use animals and imagination to create more interesting and fun activities
  • Use props to gain children’s focus and to make activities more interesting
  • Plan main ‘PE’ lesson and link further daily activities to this plan
  • Identify regular daily activities such as ‘Wake up Shake up’,  Active stories/rhymes, Mini Yo!, etc.
  • Try to include a child led challenge in every ‘PE’ lesson