I2M Journey
The Inspired to Move Framework looks at how children develop from year to year and as children develop at different rates it is important to be aware of their previous achievements and challenges to support them to move forward.

Click here to download the I2M Journey poster.
Outcome Focus
What? is the journey? What? are the outcomes? When? will they learn?
Year Group
Opportunity to explore movement with a focus on:
- having fun
- exploring the environment
- having ample opportunity to be active
- opportunity to experience physical skills (including FMS)
- developing social and emotional skills
- Balance
- Coordination
- Spatial awareness
In PE lessons
In other curriculum lessons
In role play area
At break and lunch times
Before School
After school
In holiday time
At local parks/play frames/Woods
Opportunity to develop movement with a focus on:
- exploring the environment
- having ample opportunity to be active
- developing physical skills (including FMS)
- developing social and emotional skills
- Balance
- Coordination
- Spatial awareness
In PE lessons
In other curriculum lessons
In role play area
At break and lunch times
Before School
After school
In holiday time
At local parks/play frames/Woods
Year 1
Broad Movement development focus on
(Wide range of vocabulary):
- Locomotion
- Manipulation
- Flight
- Balance
- Projection
In PE lessons
In other curriculum lessons
In role play area
At break and lunch times
Before School
After school
In holiday time
At local parks/play frames/Woods
Year 2
Fundamental Movement Skills Focus on
(Narrowed vocabulary):
- Catch
- Run
- Overhand throw
- Underhand throw
- Line/beam walk
- Forward roll
- Jump for distance
- Skip
- Continuous leap
- Side on strike
- Hand dribble Run
- Hop
- Climb
- Kick
- Side gallop
- Gallop
- Jump for height
- Dodge
In PE lessons
In other curriculum lessons
At break and lunch times
Before School
After school
In holiday time
Out of school clubs
Year 3 and 4
Participation Focus:
- Taking part
- Emotion intelligence
- Taking risks
- Team work
- Applying FMS skills
- Introduction of spatial awareness
- Introduction of attacking and defending
- Leadership
- Taking and giving feedback
In PE lessons
In other curriculum lessons
At break and lunch times
Before School
After school
In holiday time
Out of school clubs – participation
Intra school competition
Year 5 and 6
Competition Focus:
Emotional intelligence
Representing yourself and school
Taking a risk to compete
Representing your class/school/district/county
Leadership – leading competition
In PE lessons
In other curriculum lessons
At break and lunch times
Before School
After school
In holiday time
Out of school clubs – Competition
Intra School competition
Inter School Competition
District Competition