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Welcome to Mini Movers. This section gives you a taste of all the great resources you can find in the Mini Movers Membership site.
We hope you enjoy the ideas and information and remember to check back each month for more free stuff!
Hide the Spot
Great activity for body awareness, spatial awareness and following instructions.
Sign up to the Move or Grow Membership to download the images and activities.
Great activity for body awareness, spatial awareness and following instructions.

Spring is finally here and is a great time to be outside and enjoy the wonders of nature.
Go on adventures to see if you can find signs of spring arriving.
Emotions Cards
Create active stories based on the different emotions to help children make sense of what they are feeling.
Sign up to the Move or Grow Membership to download the images and activities.
Click on the large image to expand and scroll through all images:
Create active stories based on the different emotions to help children make sense of what they are feeling.
Sign up to the Move or Grow Membership to download the images and activities.
Mini Moves Skills
Did you know that children in the early years need to learn and try lots of skills so that when they are older they are able to play more complex games and sport. The skills will also underpin abilities such as writing, drawing, mathematics and generally taking part in individual and group activities.
There are many skills and we will slowly introduce you to them.
Sign up to the Move or Grow Membership for more skills cards and videos.
Introduce children to each move individually to give them a chance to try them and to develop.
Click images to expand
Click image to expand
Now combine Combine Hop, Throw and Catch!
[themify_button style=”large green” link=”[themify_button style=”large green” link=”https://vimeo.com/402117271/fd8c48a919″ ]Cat, Kangaroo & Penguin Too[/themify_button]

Mini Moves Cards
Children respond very well to Flashcards. This is a pack of 18 Movement skills and 10 Animal/Number cards. We also have Mini Yo! Cards that children love:

Mini Yo!
Mini Yo! is an exciting and fun way for children of all ages, to develop physically, emotionally and creatively. The yoga-based moves and activities can be used for relaxing as well as encouraging children to be active.
Sign up to the Move or Grow Membership for more stories, individual poses, downloadable cards and mindfulness videos.
Rudolph has a Cold
Mini Yo! Cards
Children respond very well to Flashcards. We also have Mini Yo! Cards that children love:
Active Stories
At B Inspired, we LOVE Active Stories. They are such a great ways to help children be active; engaging their imagination, developing their language and learning about so much.
Sign up to the Move or Grow Membership for activity videos, downloads and active story ideas.

Agility – Balance – Coordination – Spatial Awareness
Children (and adults) will need to develop good balance, agility, spatial awareness and coordination to underpin their physical ability, not only for games, activities and sports but also in order to complete day-to-day tasks.
It is therefore important to provide many opportunities, especially in the early years, for children to develop these foundations.
Sign up to the Move or Grow Membership for more information and ideas to develop the ABC’S.
Click image to expand
Click image to expand
Three Letter Words
To get you started, here are some 3-letter words children can learn to say and write.
Using the worksheets, create fun activities with the words to help children make sense of what they learn.
Sign up to the Move or Grow Membership to Download the Activity and Work Sheets.